Motivating Learners: Tips from Robert Mager’s Book “Developing Attitude Toward Learning”

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We all want to motivate our learners. Motivating learners during the training so they’ll have a better chance to learn is important, obviously. And it’s also important to motivate learners AFTER the training so they’ll be more positively disposed toward the topic in general and more likely to apply the training at work.

But how exactly does a good trainer motivate learners? One good place to look for tips is in the book Developing Attitude Toward Learning by the noted human performance improvement/learning theorist Robert Mager.

In this article, we’ll pass on some of the tips from Mager’s book. Of course, we recommend you buy the book and read it yourself. In fact, we recommend that you buy and read the entire “Mager Six Pack.” We’ve included more about Mager and the Six Pack at the bottom of this article. (more…)

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Introducing New LMS “Landing Pages”

Those of you looking to add a little more of your company’s style and personality to your Convergence LMS can now take advantage of our new customizable Landing Pages to do just that.

Where before your LMS users were greeted with a simple and plain login form, you’re now able to present them with virtually any information you’d like when they sit down to take their assigned training.

Configure your custom dashboard to display blog posts, announcements, news, or other data from an RSS feed. Upload a static image, like your company logo, or display an entire webpage by entering a simple url.


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First Look: Elective-Based Training

We’re excited to give you a preview of an eagerly anticipated new feature of the Convergence LMS – Electives.

With the option of elective-based training, not only will you be able to assign training to individual employees and groups, but your employees will also be able to self-register and complete training proactively, putting themselves in a better position to be promoted or to be successful when training up ahead of starting a new job.

Elective-based training appeals to employees’ desire to be in charge of and direct their own training. Turn your training library into a reference library and allow learners to enroll in supplemental courses so they can sharpen their skills and increase their knowledge as they see fit. (more…)

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Convergence LMS Gets a New Look

We’ve recently added some more firepower to our programming team, and as a result we’ve been able to push out a number of long-awaited enhancements that improve the look and feel of the Convergence LMS.

Modernized UI

While we made quite a few minor updates to make for a smoother user experience, the most visible changes involve updated icons, flattened layout, and improved fluidity of the overall design.


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EHS Professionals March Madness Bracket Tournament Plus Some Safety Training for March Madness Jokes

bballMarch Madness. It’s all you hear about these days, it seems.

Given that excitement in the spring air, Convergence Training has decided to host March Madness Tournament Bracket Competition for EHS professionals.

Wanna play? If so, go to this URL:

The password is, appropriately: EHS

Then fill out and save your bracket.

If you win, and if you’re in the United States (where we can ship things easily), we’ll send some Convergence Training swag your way (just one winner). If you win and you’re not in the US, meaning shipping will be too expensive, we’ll try to do something else to honor your achievement. Nobody from Convergence Training is allowed to win.

We’ll post periodic updates about the tournament and how different people are doing with their brackets, and of course we’ll announce the winner.

If you have any questions or confusion about how this works, send us an email at There’s also a chat feature on this blog–if you catch us during business hours, we’ll be happy to chat “live.”

We’ve even included some Safety Training for March Madness jokes and a free EHS training guide for you below; read on if you’re looking to burn a minute or two or want a helpful freebie.

Convergence Training is a training solutions provider with a strong EHS offering. We’ve got EHS e-learning courses, several learning management systems (LMSs), and more. Contact us for more information, and don’t forget to download our free Guide to Effective EHS Training.

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What Is Kaizen?

What Is Kaizen ImageIf you know the vocabulary and methods of lean manufacturing, you know the terms kaizen and kaizen event. You may even have participated in a kaizen culture or a kaizen event.

On the other hand, you may have never heard these terms, or maybe you’ve heard them but don’t yet know what they mean. If so, this article is for you, because we’re going to tell you what kaizen is. In a different article, we clue you in on what a kaizen event is as well, and we’ll explain the differences.

To learn even more, check out our courses on lean manufacturing.

So let’s get on in our effort to answer the question: What is Kaizen? 


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Book Review: Analyzing Performance Problems (or, You Really Oughta Wanna), by Robert Mager and Peter Pipe


We just read Analyzing Performance Problems, or, You Really Oughta Wanna by Robert Mager and Peter Pipe, one of six books in the classic “Mager’s Six Pack” series. In this article, we’ll give you a short book review. We have another article if you’d like to study his performance problem analysis method in more detail.

Before we begin, know that this is part of a series of articles looking at the books and ideas in Mager’s Six Pack. So far, we’ve also got articles on the following:

With that out of way, let’s get to this book review.

Need any help with your training program at work? Check out the e-learning courses from Convergence Training, our family of learning management systems, or just contact us.


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Convergence Pulp & Paper Training Course Catalog Continues to Grow

We’re happy to announce the completion of a year-long initiative to grow the company’s library of pulp and paper industry training content

We recently added 60 more eLearning courses added to our mill employee technical training curriculum. Previous courses, also covering fundamental pulping and papermaking processes, were released in four phases during 2014. This final run of 58 courses includes titles such as “Paper Machine Refining”, “Papermaking Process Testing”, and “Bleaching Basics”, and brings the total number courses in the Convergence pulp & paper training catalog to 185. The courses aim to provide foundational knowledge to new hires or to existing employees transitioning to new jobs within a facility.


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Evaluating Safety Training Effectiveness (Based on ANSI Z490.1, Section 6)

evaluating the effectiveness of EHS training image


This post focuses on best practices for evaluating environmental, health, and safety (EHS) training. That means a couple things: evaluating how well your employees learned from their EHS training and, of course, evaluating the EHS training itself. Plus, it means using that evaluation information during continuous improvement efforts.

This article, like others in the series, is based on some of the guidelines in ANSI Z490.1, the standard that lists “Criteria for Accepted Practices in Safety, Health, and Environmental Training. In particular, this article is based on Section 6 of the standard.

If you want to download our free 42-page Guide to Effective EHS Training, click that link you just whizzed past or scroll down to the bottom of this article and click the download button.

Otherwise, let’s get learning about evaluating EHS training.


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Book Review: Robert Mager’s Goals Analysis


We just read Robert Mager’s Goals Analysis, one of six books in the classic “Mager’s Six Pack” series. In this article, we’ll give you a short book review. We have another article if you’d like to study his goals analysis method in more detail.

Before we begin, know that this is part of a series of articles looking at the books and ideas in Mager’s Six Pack. So far, we’ve also got articles on the following:

With that out of way, let’s get to this book review.

Need any help with your training program at work? Check out the e-learning courses from Convergence Training, our family of learning management systems, or just contact us.


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Using an LMS to Onboard New Hires More Effectively, Efficiently

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Onboarding new employees can be time consuming, difficult, and inefficient. And, for a number of reasons–it’s often ineffective. If you’ve done it before, you already know this.

You can onboard new employees more quickly, efficiently, and effectively by using a learning management system (LMS). An LMS is a software application that companies can use to import, create, assign, deliver, and track training. You can use an LMS to deliver all sorts of training. This can include training specific to various job roles, HR training, and safety training. And–yes–you can also use an LMS when onboarding new employees.


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Chunking Mining Safety Training Materials: Improve Your Mine Safety Training

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We just wrote an extended blog post that explains the benefits of “chunking” your training materials and gives tips for how to do it.

Click here to read the extended article on chunking.

Otherwise, if you’d like a high-level overview of chunking and then would like to see how you can use chunking to make your mining safety training program more effective, read on.

The Bird’s Eye View on Chunking Training Materials

  1. Chunking refers to taking training material (during the design phase), breaking the training materials up into little “bite-sized” parts, and then organizing them in a way that makes the material easier for your employees to learn.
  2. Chunking is helpful because of how our brains work when we learn-in particular, the limits on our working memory to hold only about four bits of information at a time.
  3. Although learners who are novices or experts in a given topic can each only remember about four chunks at a time, experts can remember bigger chunks.
  4. You should arrange chunks within training materials in a way that makes it easier for your employees to understand and remember them. Some organizational methods include job sequence, dependent learning, cause and effect, and whole to parts, but there are more.
  5. Chunking training materials begins at a high level–the entire curriculum, for example–and then works its way down through modules, lessons, courses, and screens (or similar sub-divisions of your training materials).

A quick head’s-up for ya here: We’ve included a free Guide to MSHA Training Requirements at the bottom of this article.


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